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Working with Animals


Like any other living organism, animals are vulnerable to stress. As in the case with human beings, exposure to stress can led to disease and malfunctioning within an animal's body.

Energy sessions for animals with either BodyTalk and/or Reiki are designed to re-establish good communication within an animal's body. BodyTalk for Animals supports the resynchronization of the animal's internal system and between the various components of the body that have been compromised, thus keeping the body sound and less vulnerable to disease.

I work with animals to help them reduce stress, maintain health, heal more quickly, improve sociability, increase approachability, or have a comforting transition.

The session is usually done on the animal's owner as a surrogate for the animal. It is safe and non-invasive, and I do not make any hands-on conact with the animal. It has been my experience that animals often respond quickly to the sessions.



"My dog was calm and very happy after his BodyTalk session. He had definitely moved past the stress triggered by the fireworks. In the weeks that followed, he continued to be happy and have more energy." ~Wendy B.

"Brookie is doing great! No more limping. She seems happy and content. As you suggested, I have been doing Reiki for her. It's so funny, everything I do Reiki with her, the other cat comes running for her Reiki too." ~Mary

"I wanted a BodyTalk session for my dog to help him reduce his anxiety. It is hard to walk him around the neighborhood, because he is fearful of other dogs and often growls or barks at them. Also, while he would sit near me, he would not cuddle with me or let me pet him. After his session, not only was he less anxious, but he allow me to SNUGGLE WITH HIM, and for the first time, he allowed our neighbor to pet him!” ~ Katie

"Teresa and Sandi have worked with me in BodyTalk sessions for my dog Tia Maria and cat Sara.  Tia Maria's incessant barking calmed down after one session, and I could better understand what she needed when our family was going through a major transition. Sara released guilt and grief about her littermate Max's passing.  Her adrenalin levels calmed down so that she wasn't as reactive when chased by Tia Maria at home.  As a result, Tia Maria slowed down the chasing.  We are all delighted with these wonderful results!  Sara purred for a long time after she released her grief.  What's most significant is that though each pet had separate BodyTalk sessions, their relationship has improved tremendously.  I'm amazed at how close they now choose to nap together, not right next to each other, but much closer than ever before!  We are all grateful for the beautiful communication and work facilitated by Teresa and Sandi." ~V.W.